11 July 2014

SDOH Information Out & About

1. How to create easy to read information for the community

In this practical workshop you will:

Work on reviewing or developing a resource (e.g. flyer, pamphlet or brochure) that you bring to the workshop
Look at the things to consider when developing resources- for example, layout, font size, language and readability
Learn about resources and support available.

*This workshop requires participants to do some before and after workshop activity to support learning.

When: Friday 29 August 2014, 10am-3pm
Where: Level 5, 25 Argyle St, Hobart
What to bring: A paper copy and electronic copy of a resource you would like to work on

Registrations are essential via https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HLAugust2014
before 18th July 2014. For more information please email jennie.gorringe@dhhs.tas.gov.au or rebecca.essex@dhhs.tas.gov.au

*This session is delivered at no cost and in partnership with Population Health DHHS, Health Promotion South THOS, and Health Promotion North THON.

2. Disability in Australia 2014: the Potential, the Reality and the Journey

Leading disability and health development advocate Rhonda Galbally, AO, will deliver the 2014 TasCOSS Dorothy Pearce Address on Thursday 17 July, 5pm-7pm, at the C3 Convention Centre, South Hobart. Dr Galbally -- a board member of the National Disability Insurance Agency and deputy chair of the NDIS Advisory Group --  will speak on the theme Disability in Australia 2014: the Potential, the Reality and the Journey. 

We invite you to come along to hear this inspiring speaker talk about an era of major change -- change that will affect many Tasmanians and many service providers.  There will be conversation over light food and refreshments in the foyer afterwards.

Dr Galbally's many previous roles have included CEO of the Myer Foundation, founder of the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, co-founder and CEO of Our Community, chair of Philanthropy Australia, establishment CEO of the Australian National Preventive Health Agency and chair of the National People with Disability and Carers Council. 

Cost: $20/$10 TasCOSS members and concession. This is a catered event so please RSVP by Tuesday 15 July. 

or phone (03) 6231 0755 or email admin@tascoss.org.au

3. Entries are invited for the 2nd annual Gavin Mooney Memorial Essay Competition. 

The topic is: The social and cultural determinants of mental health: collective responsibilities; individualism; austerity; entitlements.

And this link is to Prof Tony McMichael’s review of the previous competition’s top essays on climate change and equity: http://blogs.crikey.com.au/croakey/2014/07/06/book-review-commendable-reading-on-climate-change-and-equity/

4. The latest edition of The Health Wrap is a comprehensive update of national and global public health news: from Frances Gilham at the Sax Institute. 

5. Social security review leaves Australia’s carers in limbo

Carers received relatively little attention in the interim report of the Review of Australia’s Welfare System. This was despite early media reports that the Carer Payment would be a target for reform. 

6. GP co-payment would increase emergency department wait times

The introduction of a GP co-payment could see average emergency department visits increase by between six minutes and almost three hours, new modelling shows, as more patients opt for free hospital care…

Read more: http://theconversation.com/gp-co-payment-would-increase-emergency-department-wait-times-28658

7. The Political Economy of Health Inequalities: 


8. “Money makes you healthier”: Health and wealth in the City of Ottawa


9. Ageing and Employment Policies: France 2014- Working Better with Age

People today are living longer than ever before, while birth rates are dropping in the majority of OECD countries.  In such demographics, public social expenditures require to be adequate and sustainable in the long term.  

10. Person-in-Environment

This bibliography deals with the concept “person in environment” as a practice orienting perspective for social work practice and education. This perspective is based on the notion that an individual and his or her behavior cannot be understood adequately without consideration of the various aspects of that individual’s environment (social, political, familial, temporal, spiritual, economic, and physical). A person-in-environment perspective is said to provide a more adequate framework for assessing an individual and his or her presenting problem and strengths than an approach that focuses solely on changing an individual’s behavior or psyche, or one that focuses solely on environmental conditions. This perspective is also thought to increase the range of interventions available to the practitioner—with the options to intervene directly with the individual or into aspects of the environment or both... 

11. 2013 Attitudes and Beliefs about the Social Determinants of Health Report

This report highlights the attitudes and beliefs about the Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) of Halton adults aged 18 and over using self-reported data collected from the Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS) in 2013. The SDoH influence the environments where we live, learn, work, play and age. These environments are important because they shape our opportunities to be healthy, and strongly influence the health outcomes of Canadians. Addressing the SDoH can be a challenge as the public’s perception of factors related to our health tend to not include things related to socioeconomic status such as income, education, and employment. This report provides us with information that can be used to better frame and target communication messages about the SDoH.

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