29 May 2014

E-book: Rise of the Empowered Citizen

The web means the opportunity for ordinary Australians to make a difference has never been greater.
As change.org hits two million Australian users, one in every ten with internet access, new survey data is putting a lie to the popularised notion that citizens are "disengaged" or "apathetic".
Australians are going online to have their say on issues that matter to them – and winning change every week.
This booklet takes the pulse of this new digital form of politics. Exploring the rise of the empowered citizen, trends in online campaigning and what's in store for the future – and it lays down the challenge for our politicians, CEOs and other decision makers to get on board. 
Download or read on right now: https://www.change.org/en-AU/about/e-book
On political engagement:  "The truth is that the idea of the “disengaged citizen” is a myth. 

Trust in old-school party politics may be at all-time lows, but the public’s interest in the issues that affect their daily lives has never been greater."
On power shifting: "Everyday people are gaining a voice at the table – and it is proving a significant challenge for those in power to deal with and make sense of."
On online activism: "The stereotype of an online activist as young, ideologically-driven and technologically-savvy is way off the mark, according to a survey of change.org’s two million Australian users. Instead, your average online activist is more likely to be a middle-aged mum."
"The potential of this new form of politics and consumer engagement is extraordinary..."

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